Relationship evidence has to do with photos. A lot of couples are asking, “I have hundreds of photos, how should I submit them? Should I put them in a word document? Should I just submit them in a scrapbook? Should I tape them on a page and put sticky notes? Should I write on the back?”
You should note that there is something called an over-submission and an under-submission of relationship evidence. A lot of couples will have 100 photos they want to submit and a hundred photos is probably more than enough. We usually recommend about 20 to 30 photos.
Photos is just one type of evidence that you can submit and and you can check out our free relationship evidence guide to understand all of the different categories of evidence that immigration is looking for.
You can put them in a word document and if you want, you can put a short caption under the photos. The photos themselves should show you at different times and in different locations. It’s not like a photo shoot of a one-day event. It shows that you’ve been together and you’ve had different life experiences together at different times.
It is nice if you were to put the photos in order as well. For the captions, you don’t have to write too much. Things you may include in the caption would be who’s in the photo and the date that it was taken so immigration can have context.
When submitting photos, put two photos on each page in the word document. You can print them in color or black and white with a short caption of the date, who’s in the photo, and where it was taken.