Due to the continued extraordinary circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic and unprecedented challenges students, educators, staff, and schools are facing during the 2020-21 school year; the U.S. Department of Education (ED) is offering each State educational agency (SEA) the opportunity to request waivers that will afford additional fiscal flexibility for certain funds received under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). ED recognizes it may not be possible to obligate these funds on a timely and responsible basis due to several factors.
In response, ED is offering a waiver for an SEA to be able to approve a local educational agency (LEA) to carry over more than 15 percent of its fiscal year (FY) 2021 Title I, Part A funds (i.e., the Title I, Part A funds that will become carryover funds on October 1, 2021), even if the LEA has received a waiver from its SEA to exceed this limitation for its FY19 or FY20 Title I, Part A funds. Second, ED is offering flexibility to each SEA to be able to extend for itself and its subgrantees the period of availability of FY20 funds for programs included in the State’s consolidated State plan to allow additional time to obligate those funds. This is the same waiver flexibility ED offered to states last year.
Pursuant to the authority under ESEA § 8401, the Tennessee Department of Education will be providing LEAs the opportunity to request waivers of the following provisions:
· Section 1127(b) of Title I, Part A of the ESEA so that your LEA may waive, more than once every three years, if necessary, the 15 percent carryover limitation in ESEA § 1127(a) for FY21 Title I, Part A funds.
· Section 421(b) of the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) to extend the period of availability of FY20 funds until Sept. 30, 2022.
Prior to submitting a waiver request, ESEA § 8401(b)(3)(A) requires an SEA to provide the public and interested LEAs notice and a reasonable time for them to comment in the manner in which the SEA customarily provides notice and the opportunity to comment to the public. All stakeholders have until July 25, 2021 to provide feedback via the survey available here: https://stateoftennessee.formstack.com/forms/public_comment__fy21_esea_waiver.
Questions regarding this waiver and request for public comment can be addressed to Deborah.Thompson@tn.gov.
Under ESEA Flexibility, states must renew their current waiver request in order continue the provisions of their accountability models. We submitted the ESEA Waiver Renewal Application to the USED on March 31, 2015. USED approved our application for a four-year renewal on July 23, 2015.
We engaged a diverse group of stakeholders across the state who provided feedback at numerous stages of system development. The final proposal reflects this feedback. Stakeholders included:
TOSS working group of superintendents; Local district assessment and accountability personnel; All Directors of Schools via direct solicitation and feedback to Commissioner; Planning & Monitoring Advisory Committee (Committee of Practitioners); Community partners including Urban League and SCORE; CORE regional directors and data analysts; TDOE senior leadership team and other divisions, including Special Populations; General public through the public comment period.
Feedback from USED was overwhelmingly positive and maintained all key provisions of application.
Some of the key similarities between the current and proposed systems:
Some of the key differences between the current and proposed systems: