Please click the buttons below to purchase Electrical and/or Residential permits, add inspection services, request inspections, request re-inspections, print permits and request refunds. Please view the tutorial videos located on the CORE system if you have any questions about CORE.
CORE is the Comprehensive Online Regulatory & Enforcement System that Commerce and Insurance uses for managing licenses, certifications, registrations and permits. First-time users will need to register for a new account. This account will be used to purchase and service permits, including printing your permit and requesting inspections.
To request inspection visit or email If emailing, please include your full permit number and the date that the project will be ready for inspection.
The State Residential Building Code Enforcement Program applies to one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses in areas of the state that have not: 1) received an exemption from the State Fire Marshal's Office by having local building codes enforced by the local government, or 2) opted out of state residential building codes and enforcement by a 2/3 vote of the city or county's legislative body. View a list of municipalities and counties where a state residential permit is required.
The state has adopted the 2018 International Residential Code (IRC) and the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). Fire sprinkler systems are not required in one- and two-family dwellings or townhouses. However, since townhouses are not required to be sprinkled, they are required to be separated by 2 hour fire walls. Effective October 1, 2011, additions over 30 square feet to existing homes will require a permit. The existing home will not be required to be brought up to code; however, the addition must meet code. A state residential building permit is not required for detached garages, sheds, barns or other detached structures that are not used for living purposes.
A building permit must be purchased online or at a local Issue Agent. The cost of the building permit is based on the estimated cost of construction. A permit is not required for the installation of a manufactured or modular home; however a permit is needed if there will be custom site work that is a part of exiting the home such as a deck, patio or stoop. An additional slab inspection fee must be paid if a building has a slab under a living space that is not a monolithic pour. A monolithic poured slab has the footings poured at the same time as the slab. A slab inspection is not required for garages or unfinished basements.
Inspections are performed by state contracted inspectors. Inspections are performed of the foundation prior to pouring, the framing/rough-in construction and the final construction. Permits purchased on or after October 1, 2011 will have the plumbing and mechanical systems inspected at the rough-in and final inspections. On each project, one free re-inspection may be performed if one of the required inspections is not passed the first time. However, each additional re-inspection will require payment of an additional fee. Inspections are scheduled by visiting
A homeowner may build a home as long as the construction is to be the residence of the homeowner (not to be sold or leased) and the homeowner has not been issued a homeowner building permit for the 24 month period prior to the application. Contractor registration verification will be a part of the permitting process.
For more information on residential building permits and inspections, please contact the Residential/Electrical Contract Inspection section.