iii) Give the advantages of using Farm Yard Manure over fertilizer:
- Improves soil structure
- Has longer residual effect
- Supplies more than one plant nutrient
- Promotes microbial activity in the soil
- It is locally available
- Imparts dark colour to the soil which raises / moderates soil temperature
- It buffers soil PH increases cation exchange capacity
- Give the disadvantages of using farm yard manure
- Is bulky hence difficult to apply / laborious
- Has less nutrients for given volume
- May spread weeds
- Releases nutrients slowly
- May spread diseases e.g black scurf disease in potatoes
- d) i) State the factors to consider when citing a compost pit.
- Nearness to the place where compost will be used
- Distance to the place where compost will be used
- Direction of prevailing winds in relation to the position of homestead/ milking shed
- In a well drained place
- In a sheltered place
- Accessibility to the site
- Describe how to make compost manure
- Materials are put in a pit or pits 1.2 x 1.2 x 60cm depth
- Chop large pieces into small pieces
- Keep compost well moistened and well aerated
- Add organic materials in layers
- Add some soil to provide micro-organisms
- Add ash to provide potash and sulphure
- Insert a stick to allow free air circulation, test temperature and to test degree of decomposition.
- Turn compost every two to three weeks to facilitate air
- Add water whenever compost becomes dry
- Keep the center warm
- Avoid contraction or waterlogging
- Do not use material infested with pests or disease
- Protect from rain and sun
- Materials include crop residues, animal waste, old manure, farm yard manure, inorganic fertilizers and top soil.
- i) How is green manuring done on the farm?
- A crop is grown and then ploughed under to be incorporated in the soil while it is still green.
- List the characteristics of green manure crops:
- Fast growth rate
- Preferably a legume
- Leafy / high foliage ratio
- Ability to rot rapidly
- What are the advantages of green manuring?
- Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen into the soil
- Improves soil aeration, water infiltration and absorption
- Increases organic matter and humus content of the soil
- Increases crop yields.
- a) Classify fertilizers by nutrient content.
- Straight fertilizers contain one type of nutrient e.g nitrogenous, potassic or phosphatic
- Compound contains two or more e.g DAP, MAP and NPK
- b) i) Name the common nitrogenous fertilizers.
- They supply nitrogen and include sulphate of ammonia, ammonium sulphate nitrate, ammonium nitrate, urea and calcium ammonium nitrate.
- State properties of nitrogenous fertilizers/ (characteristics)
- Highly soluble in water/ easily leached/ no residual effect
- Have a scorching / burning effect on plants
- They are volatile/ change into gaseous form
- Hygroscopic/ absorb moisture from the atmosphere/ cake easily.
- When are they applied and why at that time?
- When the crop is already growing e.g for maize at 30-45 cm height
- At this stage the crop has well developed roots to absorb dissolved nitrogen fertilizer.
- The crop has well developed leaves for foliar feed
- Crop is growing fast and required a lot of nitrogen.
- c) i) Name the common phosphatic fertilizers:
- They supply phosphorous and include DSP, SSP and TSP
- When are they applied and why at the time?
- Applied at planting time
- Applied for formation, development and early establishment of roots.
- Has long residual effect/ stays long in the soil
- Have low mobility
- Rather insoluble
- i) Name the common potassic fertilizers
- supply potassium and include potassium chloride (kcl) and muriate of potash.
- Characteristics:
- Easily soluble
- Mobile
- No fixation hence
- Easily absorbed
- Easily leached
- Have searching effect.
- i) What is fertilizer application?
- Restoring soil fertility by supplying growing plants with nutrients that may be lacking in the soil.
- List the methods of fertilizer application:
- Broadcasting
- Row application
- Top dressing
- Side dressing
- Foliar spraying
- i) Calculate the amount of K2O (potassium chloride) contained in 400 kg of a compound fertilizer 25:10:5 – 5kg of K2O is contained in 100kg of 25:10:5
Therefore: 400kg of fertilizer contains (400 x 5) = 20kg of K2O
- A farmer is to apply a compound fertilizer 20:30:10 on a vegetable plot measuring 5 metres long by 4 metres wide, at the rate of 200kg per hectare.
- Calculate the amount of the fertilizer the farmer would require for the plot. (show your working)
- 10,000 sq. m require 200kg of fertilizer
- therefore 5 x 4 sq. m would require
- 20 x 200 = 0.4 kg / 400gm
- What do the figures 20, 30 and 10 in the fertilizer stand for
- 20 stands for the ratio of N2 (Nitrogen)
- 30 stands for the ratio for phosphorous
- 10 stands for the ratio of potassium
- How much of a fertilizer labeled (20:20:10) should be applied to a plot whichrequires 30 kg P2O5?
- 20 kg P2O5 are contained in 100 kg NPK (20:20:10)
- 30 kg P2O5 contain 100 x 30 = 150 kg NPK
- a) i) State the importance of the nitrogen cycle
- Makes available compound nitrogen for use by plants
- Improves soil fertility
- Nitrogen is fixed by electrical charge into nitrates
- Nitrogen dissolve and is absorbed by plants
- Plants are fed on by animals and release ammonium compounds
- Nitrifying bacteria/ nitrosmonas change ammonia into nitrite then into nitrate
- Nitrite then into nitrate
- The nitrate releases nitrogen into the air or is used up by plants.
- What happens to nitrogen in the soil?
- May evaporate / volatilize
- Used up by micro-organisms
- May be used up by plants
- May be released into atmosphere by bacteria
- In the process of denitrification
- May be leached
- May be eroded.
- b) i) State the importance of carbon cycle
- Provides carbon dioxide for photosynthesis
- Production of energy for plant and animal use.
- Compounds in plant residues digested/ oxidised to release carbon dioxide
- Carbon dioxide in the soil produces carbonic acid, carbonates and bicarbonates.
- Animals release carbon dioxide to the atmosphere during respiration
- Plants also release carbon dioxide to the atmosphere during respiration.
- How is carbon lost?
- Leaching
- Used by higher plants
- How can carbon be restored to the atmosphere?
- Enhancing process of photosynthesis
- Burning hydrocarbons
- During plant and animal respiration.
- a) i) Define crop propagation.
- Development and multiplication of new individual crops from existing ones.
- What are the methods of crop propagation?
- Seeds
- Vegetative materials
- b) i) List the different methods of vegetative propagation:
- Use of cuttings
- Layering
- Grafting
- Budding/ bud grafting
- Use of storage organs
- State advantages of vegetative propagation.
- Desirable characteristics reserved
- Disease resistance imported from some crops
- Short period to maturity
- Quick way of multiplication of low viability plants
- Gives more than one variety on one crop
- Short period to maturity
- Quick way of multiplication of low viability plants
- Gives more than one variety on one crop.
- State its disadvantages.
- Cannot produce new varieties
- Difficult to keep materials free from diseases
- Vegetative materials cannot be stored for long.
- i) What are the advantages of seed propagation
- Easy to store large number of seeds
- Plant can produce large number of seeds
- Can produce new plant varieties
- State the disadvantages of seed propagation
- Do not breed true to type
- Some seeds have long dormancy periods
- Seed may spread undesirable genes quickly
- Crops may take too long to produce fruits
- Seeds may be attacked by pests/ diseases
- i) Give the advantages of early planting
- Crops make good use of available rainfall
- Establishment is early hence withstand competition from weeds
- Crops escape attack by pests and diseases
- Crops use nutrients well before leaching e.g nitrogen
- Crops reach market early hence get good market
- Reduces labour competition for various operations
- State the factors to consider when selecting seeds or other planting materials for planting
- Quality of parent plant e.g high yielding, vigorous growth
- Disease and pest resistance
- Free from weeds and pest/ disease damage
- Early maturing/ suitable to the area
- High quality products/ good size and grade
- Should be viable
- What are the reasons for seed selection?
- To obtain high crop yields
- Reducing chances of disease / pest attack
- Obtain viable seeds
- Obtain high quality produce
- To get seeds suitable to the area
- What practices are carried out for seeds to ensure that they germinate?
- Proper seed selection
- Planting at same depth
- Proper seedbed preparation
- Planting at proper moisture content
- Treating seeds to break dormancy
- Treating soil against pests and diseases
- Plant at correct depth.
- i) List the methods of planting
- Dibbling
- Broadcasting
- Row planting
- Drilling
- State the advantages of row planting.
- Saves on seeds/ economy on seeds
- Easy to get correct spacing
- Makes subsequent operations easier
- State the factors which influence planting depth.
- Soil moisture
- Soil type
- Size of seeds.
- What factors determine crop spacing?
- Fertility status of soil
- Moisture content of soil
- Use to which crop is to be put
- Machinery to be used in subsequent operations
- Growth habit of crop
- Number of seeds per hole
- Prevalence of certain diseases/ pests
- Method of planting
- State the advantages of correct spacing
- Avoid competition for nutrients, light, water, space
- Obtain adequate plant population
- Controls spread of pests and diseases
- Easy to carry out subsequent operations/ easy to mechanics
- Why is correct plant population necessary?
- To obtain high quality crops
- Helps a farmer to control weeds / pest/ diseases
- Helps in soil and water conservation
- To obtain high yields
- Name the treatments necessary on planting materials before planting?
- Legume seed inoculation
- Seed dressing
- Breaking dormancy of seeds
- Pre-conditioning seeds
- List the field practices on crops;
- Thinning
- Gapping
- Pruning
- Roguing
- Staking/ training/ propping
- Earthing
- i) What is crop rotation?
- Growing of different crops in an orderly sequence on the same field/ seedbed
- Why is crop rotation important?
- Maintains soil fertility/ improves soil structure, aeration, water infiltration, addition of nitrogen by legumes
- Controls pests/ diseases
- Makes maximum use of soil nutrients
- Reduces chance of erosion
- Controls weeds.
- State the factors to consider when planning a crop rotation system:
- Nutrient requirement of different crops in the sequence
- The need to include grass loys in the programme
- Prevalent pests and diseases
- Types of crops in the sequence
- Growth habit of the different crops included.
- Why is it important to include a grass loy in a rotation programme?
- i) What factors influence the time and stage at which crops are harvested?
- Purpose of the crop / intended use
- Kind of storage facilities available
- Method of harvesting the crop
- Type of crop to be harvested
- Moisture content e.g grains
- Mention the harvesting methods
- Manual / by hand
- Mechanical / using machines
- How can crops be prepared before storage?
- Processing / to put in usable/ acceptable form
- Inspection and sorting out into grades
- Hardening of fruits and root crops
- Drying or freezing to reduce spoilage rate
- Chemical treatment
- Adding preservatives.
- Why dry grains before storage?
- Prevents germination/ sprouting in storage
- Reduces pests/ disease attack
- Reduces attack by fungi.
- What factors are considered when grading crops for market?
- Size
- Colour
- Shape
- Dryness
- Damages on crops
- i) List the various storage structures on farms
- Traditional granaries
- Maize crib
- Bags
- Bulk storage e.g silos
- State the problems farmers face in storage of produce from farms.
- Vermin’s, insects and fungi
- Dampness in stores causes rot
- Storage facilities are poor
- Little knowledge on treatment before storage
- Lack of capital to construct good structures and buy chemicals.
- List the features a good crop storage structure has
- Raised from the ground adequately
- Leak-proof roof/ water proof roof
- Clean or easy to clean
- Vermin proof
- Strong enough to support the produce in store
- Strong enough to keep away thieves
- Well ventilated
- Easy to load/ unload
- a) What is a nursery?
- A place where seeds are grown to get special attention before being transferred into the main field/ seedbed
- State the reasons for using a nursery.
- When seeds are too small
- Easy to handle/ take care of seedlings
- Easy to select seedlings
- Some seeds are delicate hence not viable and require proper care
- Pest control is easy
- It is possible to carry out watering
- Uniformity of plants in the field
- For bulking up as in the case of sugarcane planting.
- State the nurseries management practices.
- Proper watering
- Hardening off
- Controlling pests and diseases
- Thinning or pricking out
- Explain the following nursery practices.
- i) Pricking out.
- Done to enable seedling to grow vigorously and healthy/avoid overcrowding
- Hardening off.
- Carried out to make the seedlings to get used to the actual field conditions.
- Removal of diseased crop plants
- a) i) What is health and diseases
- Health is the state of the body in which all body organs and systems are functioning normally and are normal.
- Disease is any alteration in the state of the body or any organs or systems which would interfere with or interrupt the proper functioning.
- State the importance of keeping livestock healthy
- To increase quantity of livestock products
- To increase quality of livestock products
- To increase profit level/ reduce cost of production
- To prevent the spread of diseases
- To increase productive life of an animal
- To enable them to breed regularly.
- State the signs of illness in cattle
- Dullness
- Abnormal urination e.g red water
- Rough hair-coat / hair falls off
- Abnormal respiration rate
- Dry mucus membrane
- Abnormally low or high temperature
- Loss of appetite
- Abnormal pulse rate
- Decline in production
- Abnormal defalcation e.g diarrhoea/ constipation
- Aggressive when approached.
- List the causes of animal diseases:
- nutritional cause
- chemical causes
- physical cause
- living organisms.
- What are the categories of diseases?
- Bacterial
- Viral
- Ricketsial
- Fungal
- Protozoan
- State the general methods of disease control.
- Use of prophylactic drugs e.g antibiotics/ prophylaxis
- Proper sanitation/ farm hygiene
- Use of antiseptics and disinfectants for cleaning
- Quarantine and isolation to reduce spread
- Slaughtering, culling or killing affected animals
- Routine vaccination to prevent infection
- Killing vectors e.g ticks, tsetsefly, etc
- Proper nutrition/ feed properly
- Use proper technique of milking to control mastitis
- Artificial insemination to avoid breeding disease e.g contagious abortion
- Proper disposal of carcass e.g for Anthrax
- Proper housing / avoid overcrowding
- Treat affected animals to avoid infecting others
- Avoid injuring animals
- Rotational grazing to control parasites / internal parasites
- Prevent / avoid factors causing stress.
- a) What is a parasite?
- Any organism that depends on another organism, called host, for nutritional and protective purposes.
- i) What are external parasites?
- Live on the host at lease for part of its life cycle.
- State examples of external parasites:
- Ticks, tsetsefly, mites, lice, fleas, keds
- State the signs of infestation by external parasites:
- Anaemia
- Irritation/ scratching
- Loss of hair
- Sores/ wounds on skin
- Presence of parasites on animals body
- List the harmful effects of external parasites.
- Transmit diseases/ cause diseases
- Suck blood and cause anaemia
- Irritation and discomfort
- Poor quality hides and skins
- Increase production costs.
- i) State the categories of tick.
- One-host
- Two-host
- Three-host
- ii) Give the stage of tick’s life cycle in proper order
- Egg, larva, nymph, adult.
iii) How are ticks controlled?
- Use of chemicals/ acarioides
- Ploughing the pastures or crop
- Burning infested pasture
- Hand picking and killing
- Rotational grazing
- Fencing the farm
- i) What are internal parasites?
- Stay inside body of host.
- Give examples of internal parasites
- Round worms
- Flukes/ liver fluke
- Tapeworms
- List the harmful effects of internal parasites:
- Retarded growth/ malnutrition/ emaciation
- Lower production rate
- Diarrhoea/ constipation
- Damage to the organs/ blindness/ pneumonia
- Blockage of organs
- Irritation / coughing
- Anaemia
- Death
- State the methods of controlling internal parasites of livestock.
- Regular drenching / deworming
- Rotational grazing
- Draining of swampy areas
- Proper sanitation in livestock houses
- Spraying swampy areas with appropriate chemicals
- Burning pastures t kill eggs
- Plough the pastures to bury eggs
- Why should drenching alone not be an affective control measure for livestock
- It does not destroy intermediate hosts
- It does not destroy other stages of the parasites
- a) What is nutrition?
- Process by which an animal takes in, digests and assimilates food
- Describe the various nutritional elements:
- i) Carbohydrates
- Are energy foods
- Produces heat for all body processes
- Produces energy for maintaining animal alive
- Crude fibre in carbohydrates prevents constipation
- Excess converted to fats and stored
- Source includes roughage, cereals, tubers, lactose from milk.
- Proteins
- Are body building feeds
- Provides raw materials for synthesis of animal
- Products e.g milk, eggs, etc
- Used in synthesis/ growth of cells
- Used to produce energy
- For formation of enzymes and antibodies
- Maintain body tissues/ repair and replacement
- Deficiency leads to stunted growth, low fertility, low production, wearing out of body tissues and poor resistance to diseases.
- Fats
- Source of energy
- Sources include sunflower, fish meal, seeds, etc
- Classified as water soluble or fat soluble
- Functions are to promote growth, help in blood clotting, bone formation, muscular activities, prevent diseases and act as catalysts.
- Sources are most food eaten.
- Maintain osmotic pressure, regulate metabolism, bone formation and development, teeth development, increase food conversion, increase in appetite.
- Deficiency leads to reduced appetite, loss of weight, decrease in production, poor growth and loss of condition.
- Sources include mineral supplements.
- Regulation of body temperature
- Make cells turgid and maintain body shape
- Transport of nutrients
- Biochemical reactions
- As a lubricant
- Factors influencing intake.
- Size of animal
- Productivity e.g milk
- Type of food given to animal
- Physiological status of animal e.g pregnant
- Ambient temperature
- Species/ kind of animal
- Explain what the following means:
- i) Concentrates
- A feed with high protein and/ or energy content but low in fibre
- Have high available nutrients per unit weight
- Compact in form mashes/ powder, granules, salt and mineral blocks, etc
- Fed in small amounts.
- Roughage
- A feed with high fibre contents and / or low energy
- Are bulky, of low digestibility, low in protein, and of plant origin e.g pasture, hay, silage, fodder.
- What is a ration?
- Amount of food that will produce essential nutrients to an animal to enable animal nest its nutritional requirements.
- Explain the meaning and importance of.
- i) Balanced ration
- Contains all nutritional requirements of animals
- Production ration:
- Feed given to an animal over and above the maintenance ration to produce a given product
- Used for production of products like milk, meat, also for foetal development, work and growth of young animals.
- Maintenance ration.
- The portion of a feed required by an animal to continue with the vital body processes
- State the desirable characteristics of a livestock ration:
- Balanced in terms of nutrients
- Palatable to the animals
- Highly digestible
- Free from poisonous materials/ free of contamination
- a) i) Outline the main differences between ruminants and non-ruminants
- Ruminants have four stomach compartments while non-ruminants have only one.
- Ruminants chew cud while non-ruminants do not chew cud
- Absence of ptyalin in ruminant saliva and presence in non-ruminant saliva
- Ruminant digest a lot of cellulose while non-ruminants digest only a little cellulose.
- Draw a ruminant stomach e.g cow and explain the functions of the four chambers.
- First chamber
- Stores and softens food
- Microbial action of food takes places here
- Separates coarse food from fine food particles
- Grinds food and reduces water content
- Has enzymes which act on food thus causing food digestion
- How is grass digested in the rumen of an adult ruminant?
- Food is stored in the rumen
- Coarse grass is regurgitated from the rumen for further chewing in the mouth i.e chewing cud.
- Saliva that is mixed with feed when chewing cud creates alkaline PH suitable for bacterial action in the rumen.
- Food undergoes microbial fermentation in the rumen
- In the rumen carbohydrates are broken down into volatile fatty acids/ acetic acid and butyric acid.
- Gases like methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen are released.
- Proteins are broken down into peptides/ amino acids
- Amino acids/ essential amino acids are synthesized from ammonia and other non-protein nitrogen by micro-organisms.
- Micro-organisms also synthesize certain vitamins e.g vitamin B complex, vitamin K.
- Much of the volatile fatty acids and ammonia are absorbed through bolching i.e carbon dioxide and methane.
- State the functions of the following parts of poultry digestive system.
- i) Crop
- Softening food
- Storage of food
- ii) Gizzard
- Contains small stones which help to grind food and break down cellulose.
- a) i) Draw the reproductive system of a hen and explain the stage taken during
the formation of an egg.
- Site of fertilization and storage of sperm calls
- Yolk takes 15 minutes here
- Albumen is added
- Egg takes 3 hours here
- Secretes the shell membrane
- Water, minerals and vitamins
- Process takes 1 ¼ hours
Uterus/ shell gland
- Has calcium deposits
- Shell added round eggs
- Completes the addition of albumen
- Process takes 18 – 22 hours
- Pigmentation of egg takes place here
- Socrates mucus which reduces friction and facilitates expulsion of the egg
- Takes 1. 10 minutes
- Delivers the egg out gently.
- Draw a clearly labeled diagram to show the reproductive system of a cow and state the functions of the labeled parts.
Fallopian tube.
- This is a passage through which ova pass from the ovary.
- This is where fertilization takes place as the ovum passes to the uterus.
- Produce ova
- Produce sex hormones e.g oestrogen, progesterone
- After fertilization foetus develops until birth here.
Vagina and Vulva.
- Receive male’s sperms
- Aid in expulsion of young from the womb during birth
- b) i) What is selection in animal breeding?
- The process of allowing certain animals to be parents of future generations.
- State the factors to consider during selection.
- Increase in yield
- Improved quality of products
- Resistance against diseases
- Resistance to heat or dry conditions
- Reduced maturity age.
- i) What is breeding?
- It involves mating of desirable males and females
- ii) State the importance of breeding.
- To obtain high quality products
- Increase production capacity
- Import disease resistance
- Increase tolerance to high ambient temperature
- To reduce maturity age.
- Give the methods of mating cattle
- Artificial insemination / AI
- Natural method
- i) What is natural mating?
- Taking a bull to serve cow
- State its advantages
- Heat detection by bull
- Bull stays with cow on heat
- No need for harder to detect heat.
- State the disadvantages of natural mating?
- May cause inbreeding if bull is not controlled
- Expensive/ uneconomical to keep a bull
- There is a risk of transmission of breeding diseases
- A bull may cause physical injury to a cow/ handler
- Only a limited number/ few cows can be mated by one bull within a given period of time.
- Explain the main systems of breeding.
- i) Grading up
- The process of crossing until an animal having desirable characteristics is obtained.
- Example is mating Boran bull to Friesian cow to obtain increased production and disease resistance.
- Line breeding
- Is the mating of two individuals originating from one ancestor or same line of breeding.
- Mating two pure breeds belonging to different breeds/ mating a pure bred sire of one breed to a high quality grade female of another breed.
- To produce a hybrid with hybrid vigour
- Imparts desirable genes from either of the parents.
What is hybrid vigour?
- The increased ability and performance of the offspring above the average of the two unrelated parents.
- Outcrossing
- Mating two unrelated animals of the same breed
- Mating of closely related animals
- To retain/ preserve certain desirable qualities
- Increases embryonic mortality/ abortion
- Reduces disease resistance ability
- Reduces the vigour of the animal / causes weakness/ abnormality
- Reduces yield.
- i) What is artificial insemination?
- Obtaining semen from males and depositing it in female’s reproductive canal by artificial means.
- State its advantages.
- Cheap / can be afforded by many farmers
- Controls breeding diseases /
- One male can serve many females
- Makes use of good bulls/ quick way of improvement
- Young/ small females not injured
- Used to prevent inbreeding
- Semen can be used in distant places
- Give the disadvantages.
- Can quickly spread undesirable genetic traits
- Requires special equipment and good communication network
- Timing of optimum period is difficult
- Not readily available to small scale farmers.
- a) Discuss sheep management from selection of breeding stock to lambing.
- i) Selection of breeding stock.
- High fertility and regular breeding
- Good quality products
- Fast growing/ early maturing
- Healthy stock
- Good mothering instinct
- Good body conformation/ not physically deformed.
- Breeding
- Flush owes by giving extra concentrates/ high plant nutrition
- Flushing should be started about 3 weeks before mating and continued for three weeks after mating
- Clip wool around vulva for easy mating/ do crouching
- Raddling of rams before mating
- Use one ram for 35 – 60 owes
- Mating time for lambing to coincide with the season when there is enough pasture.
- If more than one ram used, use different colour of paste for each ram.
- Remove rams from owes after mating.
- Management during gestation
- Food owes on good pasture / concentrates 3 – 4 weeks before lambing / steam up
- Move owes to clean pasture three weeks before lambing
- Deworm owes 2 –3 weeks before lambing
- Vaccinate owes 2 –3 weeks before lambing against common diseases
- Provide clean water.
- Lambing management.
- Observe signs of lambing and supervise/ assist when necessary
- Disinfect navel cord immediately after lambing
- Ensure lambs suckle within first 1-2 hours
- Dagging / clipping of wool around teats after lambing
- Owes that give birth to more than one lamb should be given extra feeding.
- Disease the management of lambs from birth upto and including weaning.
- Weak lambs should be artificially reared
- Rejected/ orphaned lambs should be given to faster mothers
- Keep lambs and the owe on good pastures
- Dock the lambs within the first 2 weeks
- Castrate male lambs not needed for breeding within the first two weeks
- Introduce creep feed to the lambs from 6 weeks
- Dip/ spray / dust sheep as necessary against octoparasites
- Treat sick animals
- Wean lambs between 4 – 5 months or when 22kg live weight
- Put identification marks before weaning
- Trim hooves before mating
- Deworm lambs before weaning
- Keep records
- a) i) Describe the factors to consider when selecting a gilt for breeding.
- Maturity ie. Proper age / 12 months or 90 –100 kg live weight
- Good mothering instinct
- Fast growth rate
- Lack of physical defects
- Healthy i.e lacking history of many diseases
- What characteristics should be considered when selecting a breeding boar?
- Docile/ good temperament
- Good body conformation for the breed
- Lack of physical deformities
- Strong back and legs
- Fast growing/ early maturing
- What preparations should be carried out for a sow one weak before she farrows?
- Clean and disinfect the farrowing pen
- Wash / clean and disinfect the sow
- Treat the sow against external parasites
- Move the sow to farrowing pen/ orate within a week/ separate from the rest
- Reduce sow’s ration a day before farrowing
- Provide heat in the farrowing pen/ creep area
- Provide clean bedding material
- Provide bran to the sow as a laxative.
- Discuss the management of piglets from farrowing to weaning time.
- Keep watch over farrowing process/ help in the farrowing process
- Remove mucus and any foreign materials around piglet’s nostrils
- Put piglet in a safe warm place
- Tie/ out and disinfect umbilical cord
- Dispose of afterbirth/ stillborns
- Ensure piglets suckle colestrum/ piglets suckle immediately after birth
- Got rid of excess piglets/ rear excess piglets artificially/ give excess piglets to a foster mother
- Clip off the needle tooth
- Give piglets iron injection or iron paste to control anaemia
- Provide croop food to the piglets
- Give sow extra food according to the number of piglets sucking it
- Castrate male piglets not intended for breeding at about 3 weeks of age
- Put identification marks on piglet/ identify piglets using appropriate method
- Weigh piglets regularly weekly and later monthly
- Remove sow from farrowing pen to wean piglets
- Select the piglets to be used for breeding
- Provide piglets with extra food and water at weaning
- Keep farrowing pen clean throughout the rearing period
- Wean between 4 – 8 weeks of age
- Keep appropriate records
- Deworm piglets at weaning time
- Provide adequate water
- Control diseases as necessary/ vaccination
- Control external parasites
- How would you rear a gilt from weaning time to the time it farrows?
- Food gilt on atleast 3 kg of sow and weaner meal daily
- Provide clean drinking water
- Vaccinate the gilt to control common diseases
- Control external parasites by dusting with pesticides
- Treat gilt of sick
- House the gilt next to a boar at age of 12 months
- Ready to be served/ serve it at right age and weight
- Keep the pen clean by maintaining clean litter
- Flush gilt 3-4 weeks before service by feed on high quality diet
- Take gilt to the boars pen for service and let it stay for at least 12 hours.
- Observe the return to heat, if any, after three weeks, and repeat the service if necessary.
- Steaming up should start 1 ½ months before farrowing by giving 3-4 kg of feed
- 7-10 days before farrowing, the gilt should be washed and moved into a clean and disinfected farrowing pen.
- Sow and weaner meal should be reduced three days before farrowing
- Observe the signs of farrowing, and supervise the farrowing process.
- Deworm the gilt 7-10 days before farrowing.
- i) Give the reasons for culling a breeding boar.
- When the boar is old
- When the health of the boar is poor/ injury
- When the offsprings are being used as replacement stock/ to stop inbreeding
- When the bear is too fat and lazy/ back leg weakness
- When the performance of offsprings is poor
- When the bear lacks libido / infertile
- Why should a breeding sow be culled?
- Goats are browsers/ require less food
- They can do with little water
- They are easy to manage
- Less attack by diseases
- Good walkers/ good climbers.
- a) Why are goats suited to most parts of Kenya?
- Goats are browsers/ require less food
- They can do with little water
- They are easy to manage
- Less attack by diseases
- Good walkers/ good climbers
- What are the various management practices a goat farmer should carry out?
- If goats are kept for milk, the kids should be removed from their mother and fed from a bucket or a bottle
- The kid should be fed three times a day
- Solid food should be introduces at 2-3 weeks old
- Regular vaccination should be carried out after weaning
- Hoof trimming
- Confined meat producing goats may be fed on out forage
- Food on sweet potato vines, napier grass or green maize
- In addition to grazing, dairy goats food on roughage such as silage
- Concentrates must be fed to lactating goats to correct any mineral deficiency in roughage / provide mineral lick
- Proper records on various operations should be kept
- Spraying against external parasites/ farm hygiene
- Identification operations e.g tagging, branding, ear-notching tatooing
- Castrate males not required for breeding
- Give the methods of improving dairy goats.
- Proper selection/ bulling
- Proper breeding upgrading/ cross breeding
- Maintaining good health
- Proper feeding
- Proper milking methods
- Proper housing.
- a) State the factors that should be considered when selecting rabbits for breeding.
- Good body size
- Breeding efficiency
- Good body conformation
- Growth rate
- Good health
- Freedom from physical deformities.
- Why is it important that rabbits are fed on a balanced diet?
- For quick growth
- To prevent mineral deficiency
- To give good quality products
- To give maximum yield
- Prevention from diseases
- List the heat signs in a doe.
- Restlessness
- Rubs itself against any object
- Vulva swells
- Interested in other rabbits
- May lie on her side
- Name the types of rabbits keeping.
- Rabbitry and hutches
- Mordant i.e movable rabbit house built of light materials
- Warren
- Colony system.
- State the general routine management practices necessary to protect rabbits from diseases and parasites.
- Cleanliness in the housing units
- Do not feed on contaminated food
- Isolation and treatment of sick ones
- Disinfect cages, water and feed troughs
- Impose quarantine of two weeks on new rabbits.
- a) State the uses of bees on the farm.
- Pollination of flowers
- Production of honey and wax
- Give the functions of the various classes of bees found in a beehive.
- Queen is fertile and lays egg
- Drones are fertile males and mate with queen to fertilize the eggs
- Works are sterile male who take care of all other bees and the hive, and also offer protection to the hive.
- How can bees be attracted to a hive?
- Using honey
- Smear sugar syrup on hive
- Use of molasses.
- i) When is it recommended to harvest honey?
- Late in the evening
- Early in the morning
- State why smoke should be used when harvesting honey, but not fire.
- Smoke makes bees loss aggressive/ less active
- It does not kill bees/ breed
- Quality of honey obtained is sufficiently high
- What precautions are necessary when harvesting honey?
- Avoid excess smoke getting into the hive
- Prevent rain water from getting into hive
- Use clean utensils to avoid contamination
- Use of protective clothes
- i) Name diseases of bees.
- Acorive disease
- Foul breath disease
- Give examples of pests of bees.
- Safari ants
- Bee lose
- Private wasps
- Wax moth
- Birds
- Honey badger
- Beetles
- Robber bees
- What makes the camel suited to living and working in desert conditions?
- Can tolerate high temperature
- A browser which survives well on scanty vegetation
- Travels long distance and for several days without water
- Hooves are suited to walk on sand
- Mention the uses of donkeys.
- Transportation
- Work e.g pulling ox-ploughs for cultivation.
- b) What management practices are necessary to enable a donkey work
- Proper harnessing to avoid injuries
- Foot care and hoof trimming when necessary
- Proper feeding
- Enough rest after work
- Treat when sick
- Drenching using horse dewormer.
- a) i) Explain cropping in fish farming.
- The removal of marketable size of fish from the pond to provide more food for those left behind.
- What is fish harvesting?
- Removal of all fish from the pond
- List the features that are necessary in fish-pond construction.
- Inlet for fresh water
- Spillway to remove excess/ overflow water
- Outlet for drainage e.g when harvesting fish or replacing water
- Fence to keep away predators/ thieves
- Screen to prevent fish from escaping.
- Explain the maintenance practices necessary for a fish pond.
- Maintain optimum level of water by regulating inflow and outflow of water
- Immediate blockage of water leakages
- Remove any debris
- Out weeds or grass growing around pond
- Fertilize pond regularly
- Provide enough food to fish
- a) i) How can skin of an animal be damaged while animal is still alive?
- Poor branding
- Scratching by sharp objects such as wires / whipping/ injury by other animals
- Skin diseases
- Bites by parasites.
- State the treatment given to hides and skins after flaying.
- Washing
- Trimming
- Tanning
- Draining and fleshing
- Preserving by salting
- What are the uses of hides and skins?
- Source of revenue
- Used to make items e.g shoes, etc
- b) i) Give reasons why honey harvesting at night is not encouraged.
- To avoid bush fires
- Because one may not distinguish between honey combs and brood combs
- Loss damage to combs
- Little contamination of honey
- To avoid killing bees.
- Describe the procedure of harvesting honey.
- Wear protective clothing
- Approach beehive from behind
- Move smoothly
- Puff smoke, using smoker, into entrance holes
- Inspect combs thoroughly
- Harvest only where scaled combs
- Leave enough combs with honey, especially in dry season, to avoid starving bees
- Brush out bees from honey combs
- Avoid crushing bees.
- State the methods of extracting honey from honey combs
- Using heat method
- Crush and strain
- Using of extraction.
- iv) What factors influence the quality of honey?
- Presence of impurities/ foreign materials
- Source of nectar / food type
- Stage of ripening/ maturity / under 17% moisture content
- Season of the year/ rainy season/ flowering
- Method of extraction.
- c) Describe hoe to kill and prepare a rabbit carcass
- Kill by dislocating the neck
- Hold by back legs in the hand
- Strike a sharp blow with edge of hand, at base of skull behind the ears
- This causes bone separation and breaks blood vessels of the neck
- Hook up rabbit immediately by one leg
- Remove head to assist bleeding
- Slit abdominal wall and eviscerate / remove visceran/ remove internal organs
- Dry the skin using appropriate method
- Sell meat locally.
- i) State the difference between wool and hair.
- Wool is outer coat of sheep made of many fibres with crimp
- Appearance that make the fibres elastic
- Hair is smooth, lacks waviness and is inelastic
- What is fleece?
- Wool which has been shorn/ out from sheep
- Give the qualities of good wool.
- Clean / loss
- Long
- Fine/soft/wool count
- Be of pure colour/white
- Strong
- Elasticity/ crimpy.
- List the precautions to be taken during the sheep shearing process to ensure goodquality wool
- Shearing on dry and fine weather/ season
- Use clean floor to avoid fouling of wool
- Avoid half cut wool as this lowers quality
- How are fish processed before cooking?
- Scaling
- Removal of offal’s/ eviscerating
- Sun drying or smoking to slow down deterioration
- ii) List the methods of preserving fish before sale to consumers
- Splitting then drying in the sun
- Smoking
- a) Define farm layout
- refers to how land on the farm is allocated to various uses.
- What is a good layout
- One which allows easy management of various enterprises on the farm
- One which satisfies the farmer and give him comfort.
- State the factors to consider when planning the layout of a mixed farm.
- Slope of land/ drainage / topography
- Direction of prevailing winds
- Type of soil
- Type of enterprises required/ other enterprises on farm
- Infrastructure/ accessibility/ other enterprises on farm
- Government regulation
- Existing permanent structures on the farm
- Land size
- Security of enterprises
- Existing ammonites e.g electricity, water
- Panoramic view
- a) List the common structures found on the farm.
- Nursery beds – Beehives
- Crushes – silo
- Calf pens – Compost heap/ pit
- Fish ponds – Store
- Dairy shed / milking parlour – rabbitry and hutches
- Fences
- Dips
- Pig sty
- Explain the factors to be considered in constructing a farm structure
- i) Sitting
- Sitting the structure in rotation to other buildings/ farm activities/ considering security/ accessibility/ topography/ drainage
- Orientation of the building in relation to wind direction/ light/ topography
- Design / purpose
- Design of the structure to fit the intended purpose or use/ to fit the climate of the area/ size of enterprise.
- Materials
- Choice of building materials considering type/ cost/ durability/ availability.
- Cost of structure/ finances available to put up the structure.
- Alternative uses of the structure
- Construction skills
- Availability of needed skills
- Governments regulations
- e follow the legal government regulations
- Future expansion
- Should consider space for future expansion.
- State the factors to consider when selecting materials to construct farm structures.
- Durability of materials
- Cost of materials
- Availability of skilled labour for construction
- Capital available
- Availability of materials
- Strength of materials
- i) Name the types of fences used on farms.
- Barbed wire fence
- Wooven wire/ wire knotting/ chicken wire fence
- Electric fence
- Pole fence/ timber / wooden/ post and rail fence
- Wall fence/ stone fence
- Plain wire fence
- Hedges/ live fence.
- State the advantages of barbed wire fence and any of its disadvantages in livestock farming.
- Effective in stopping animals from forcing their way out.
- May injure animals
- Expensive per unit weight or per given gauge
- How are fences constructed?
- Locate the corners
- Clear the fencing area
- Make corners, strainers and passes
- Dig holes to specified depths
- Firm the posts by use of concrete mixtures
- Drill holes on the posts and fix the wires
- Strain the wires and fix onto the posts
- Fix the droppers to reinforce the wires.
- Describe the uses of farm fences.
- Provide security from thieves, wildlife/ control trespassers
- Enable paddocking/ rotational grazing/ mixed farming
- Control pests and diseases by keeping away other animals from the farm
- Demarcate boundaries
- Live fences act as windbreaks/shelter belts
- Provide aesthotic value to the farm
- Increase farm/ land value
- Help n soil and water observation in case of hedges
- Hedges may be a source of fruits and their trimmings may be a source of fodder or firewood or compost manure
- Isolate animals for different purposes e.g sick, bulls, calves, pregnant etc.
- Provide privacy.
- What maintenance practices are carried out on farm fences?
- Replacing broken posts, droppers etc
- Replacing / tightening loose wires
- Control termites and fungi from causing damage
- Replace struts if broken.
- State the uses of a crush.
- Hand spraying or hand dressing to control ticks
- Drenching or deworming against internal parasites
- Artificial insemination
- Applying identification marks
- Taking temperature
- Pregnancy diagnosis
- Milking
- Dehorning
- Castration
- (i) Name the main sections of a cattle dip stating its functions.
- Assembly yard is a waiting area for holding the animals before dipping
- Footbath for washing mud from cattle hooves to prevent dip contamination’s
- Dip tank which contains dip wash into which cattle got immersed
- Draining race/ drying race for holding animals after dipping to let the dip wash drip.
- State the main use of a dip.
- Where animals are immersed in a solution of acaricide and water/ dipwash to control external parasites e.g ticks.
- State the factors to consider when planning to construct a grain store.
- Sited on a well-drained ground
- Free ventilation without draughts
- Rainproof/ leakproof
- Adequate floor space
- Easy to clean
- Vermin/ pest proof/ have rat guards
- Keep away thieves/ predators.
- i) State the features of an ideal calf porn
- Well ventilated
- Leakproof
- Well drained floor
- Clean
- Draught free
- Enough space for calf
- What facts influence siting of calf pens?
- Topography / drainage of land
- Accessibility of pen
- Location of existing farm structures/ amenities
- Wind direction
- security
- Give the maintenance practices of a permanent calf pen.
- Repair / replace worn-out parts
- Whitewash walls of calf pens
- Regularly clean and disinfect the calf pen
- Ensure that the drainage system is working.
- Name the types of calf pens.
- i) What are the requirements for constructing a poultry house for deep litter system?
- Roof to discourage insects
- Properly managed litter
- Enough space at food and water troughs
- Provide nests
- Provide perch.
- Give the maintenance practices necessary in a dip litter poultry house.
- Repair broken parts of the house
- Clean and remove the cobwebs and any dirt
- Improve drainage
- Fumigate against pests and diseases
- Paint some parts of the house.
- i) State the factors to consider in siting a rabbit hutch.
- The site should be safe and secure especially in or near a homestead
- It should be sized in an accessible place
- The place should be sheltered from strong prevailing winds
- The area should be well drained
- It should be located on the leeward side of the farm to avoid bad smell
- What factors should be considered in selecting the construction materials?
- Consider availability or materials
- Durable materials are preferred
- Consider cost of the material to use
- Select roofing materials that can keep off rain
- Some materials for the walls should allow enough light and ventilation
- Select some materials for the floor that will allow drainage of urine and from passage of droppings.
- Give the environment of a rabbit hutch.
- Lack proof
- Easy to clean
- Free from strong wind/ draught
- Safe from prodiors/ raised above ground level
- Floor to allow from drainage of urine and droppings
- Well ventilated
- Adequate space.
- State the reasons for raising rabbit hutches above ground level.
- To ensure security from attack by dogs, cats, etc
- To hasten drying of bedding
- To avoid dampness from the ground
- i) State the factors to consider when designing a piggery to ensure good health of pigs.
- Ventilation
- Space requirements according to recommended stocking rate
- Basking/ exercise area
- Security of piglets e.g constructing guard rails
- Drainage
- Position of food troughs and water troughs in relation to dunging area.
- a) State the reasons why maintenance of farm structures is important.
- Avoid accidents when using them
- Ensure efficiency of usage of structure
- Prolong the life of the structure/ farm
- a) i) What is land tenure?
- Ownership of rights to the use of land
- List the land tenure
- Collective e.g communal and cooperative tenure
- Individual e.g owner-occupier, company and tenancy and landlordism/ lease held system
- i) What is land refers?
- Any organised action taken to improve the structure of land tenure and land use/ deliberate change in the land tenure system
- State the methods of land refers.
- Land consolidation
- Land subdivision/ fragmentation
- Land adjudication and registration/ demarcation
- Settlement and resettlement
- i) Distinguish between settlement and resettlement.
- Settlement is planned transfer of population from one area to another
- Resettlement is transferring population from more densely populated area to less populated one.
- State the objectives of settlement and resettlement
- To settle the land lost
- To make use of idle land
- To create self employment
- To relieve population pressure
- To increase agricultural population.
- What were the contributions of settlement schemes?
- Have increased production
- Better use of extension services
- Increased agricultural credit
- Marketing cooperatives are being used
- There are more improved livestock
- Acceleration in development of infrastructure
- a) i) What is soil erosion?
- Detachment and carrying away of top soil by wind and water.
- Name the types of soil erosion.
- Splash/ raindrop erosion
- Gully erosion
- Streambank erosion
- Rill erosion
- Shoot erosion
- State the factors which influence the rate of soil erosion.
- Amount and intensity of rainfall
- Slope/ topography
- Vegetation cover
- Ploughing up and down the slope
- Soil type
- Soil depth
- i) What is soil conservation
- The use of resource without rendering them unproductive due to erosion or depletion of plant nutrients.
- State the reasons for soil conservation
- Prevent loss of plant nutrients from the soil/ to maintain the soil fertility
- Maintain soil structure.
- List the methods of soil and water conservation.
- Filter strips
- Out-off drains
- Grassed waterways
- Mulching
- Trash/ stone lines
- Ridging
- Terraces
- Diversion waterways
- Contour farming
- Forests/ afforestation
- Gabbions/ check dams/ porous dams
- Dams and reservoirs
- Bunds
- a) What is a weed?
- Any plant growing where it is not required and has more disadvantages than advantages
- List the economic classes caused by weeds.
- Compete with crops are nutrients, space, light, water
- Reduce quality of products
- Some are
- Some block irrigation channels and deprive fish of oxygen
- Some lower quality of pasture
- They increase production costs
Includes mulching, cover cropping, field hygiene, timely planting, crop rotation, using clean planting materials, etc.
- Mechanical:
- By use of tillage, cultivation, slashing / defoliation and uprooting weeds
- Biological
- Deliberate use of a biological agent e.g insect, virus, fungi animal to reduce the population of a target weed.
- Use of herbicides to kill weeds
- Herbicides are chemicals which kill plants.
- a) i) What is a crop pest?
- Any organism that destroys/ is a nuisance to crops, either directly xxxxx, by feeding on tem or introducing disease causing
- ii) Name the categories of crop pest?
- Insects – Micro-organisms
- Mites – Higher animals
- Birds – Molasses
- Nematodes – Rodents
- How can pests be controlled on the farm?
- By use of chemical e.g pesticides
- Early planting of crops
- Field hygiene e.g destruction of affected crop residues
- Use of trap crops, trap cropping
- Close season
- Crop rotation
- Growing resistant varieties
- Trapping and killing pest.
- What is integrated pest management?
- The use of a combination of various control methods
- i) What is a plant disease.
- Any alteration in the state of a plant or of its parts, which interrupts or disturbs the proper performance of functions of its parts.
- Name the disease causing factors in crops.
- Viruses
- Mineral deficiency / nutritional in balance
- Bacterial
- Fungi
- Physiological disorders
- List the various practices carried out in the field to control crop diseases.
- Crop rotation
- Close season
- Roguing/ destroying infected
- Planting disease free plants/ use of certified seeds
- Early planting/ timely planting
- Pruning/ proper spacing
- Weed control
- Use of resistance varieties
- Quarantine
- Application of appropriate chemicals
- Use of clean equipment
- Heat treatment.
- Discuss the growing of the following crops.
- Sorghum
- i) Seedbed preparation
- Clearing land
- Cultivating the land to get rid of perennial weeds
- Harrow the land to fine tilth
- Planting
- Planting at beginning of rains
- Plant in rows/ broadcast seeds
- Spacing 60 x 1 cm
- 3 – 5 seeds per hole
- depth 2-5-5 cm
- seedrate 2-15 kg per hectare
- apply phosphatic fertilizers at planting at a rate of 20-40 kg per hectare
- Weeding
- Keep them weed free from early stages
- Cultivate regularly to control weeds
- Apply herbicides especially on breed leafed weeds
- Field management practices
- Thinning/ thin and leave two vigorous plants
- Thin when 5 cm long/ tall
- Pests and diseases.
- Scare the birds
- Apply appropriate insecticides to control stalk bearer
- Fungal disease control/ use resistant varieties, plant certified seeds
- Harvesting
- Ready 3-9 months depending on variety
- Cut head/ panicle
- Maize
- i) Seedbed preparation
- Clear land early before the rains
- Harrow the land to medium tilth
- Cultivate land to get rid of parannial weeds and allow vegetation to rot.
- Planting
- Done at the beginning of rains
- Dry planting is recommended
- Spacing varies with variety i.e 23-30 cm x 57 – 90 cm
- Plant seed at 2.5 – 10 cm deep
- Planting manually or mechanically
- Apply DAP at 100 – 150 kg/ hectare in planting hole
- Top dress with CAN at 200kg / hectare
- Weeding
- Weed at early stage to reduce competition for moisture
- Hand weeding done
- Herbicides sometimes used e.g simazine/ artrazine before germination and MCPA / 2,40 after germination.
- Field management
- Thinning done early to get consistent growth
- Gapping done early
- Pests control
- Scare birds e.g quellea and weaver birds
- Use appropriate control of pests e.g aphids, army worm e.g insecticides.
- Disease control
- Use appropriate control e.g fungicides for smut, rust and maize stork
- Harvesting
- Depending on altitude and variety
- Stock out maize or harvest cabs when dry in field
- Cassava
- i) Basic requirements
- Requires altitude of below 1500m.
- Moderate rainfall/ drought resistant
- Sandy soils / free draining soils
- Seedbed preparation and planting
- Deep ploughing recommended/ prepare ridges
- Plant stem cuttings 40cm long at 45 o or less
- Spacing is 1.5m x 0.9m
- Bury half stem in soil.
- Field management
- Control weeds at early stages of growth.
- Pest control
- White scale controlled by clean planting materials.
- Mosaic disease causes melting of leaves and deformed tubers
- Control by planting resistant varieties.
- Harvesting
- Remove individual tubers or uproot whole plant
- Use stick or forked jembes to harvest
- Yields about 7-10 tons per hectare
- Millet
- i) Basic requirements
- Altitude from 0-1200m
- Rainfall of 500-600mm per annum
- Light sandy soils
- Seedbed preparation and planting
- Prepare seedbed of fine tilth
- Spacing is 60 x 30 cm
- Sometimes interplanted with other crops
- Field management
- Top dress with nitrogenous fertilizer when 30cm long
- Weeding done upto tillering stage
- Pest control
- Quelea birds cat seeds at miling stage
- Controlled by scaring
- Disease control
- Dowry mildow control using fungicides and crop rotation
- Harvesting
- Individual heads out using knife or sickle
- Sweet potatoes
- i) Basic requirements
- Altitude of C-2400m
- 750 mm of rainfall per year / drought resistant
- wide variety of soils
- warm to cool climate
- Seedbed preparation and planting
- Prepare flat seedbed/ ridges
- Plant cutting in form of apical pieces of vines
- Bury atleast half of vine.
- Field management
- Gives good yield with farm yard manure
- Weeding in early stages only as later covers soil
- Pest and disease control
- Control sweet potato weevils with insecticides and crop rotation
- Virus B transmitted by white flies causes stunting
- Control by planting resistant varieties
- Harvest few tubers at a time because of storage problem
- Use sticks for harvesting
- Good yield is 38 tones per hectare.
- i) Areas where grown
- Kano plains (Ahero), Mwea Tabere, Bunyala Irrigation Scheme.
- Conditions necessary for growing rice.
- Availability of water for irrigation
- Topography flat land
- Good soil type – with good water holding
- Favourable temperature/ warm and humid
- Availability of labour.
- Planting / transplanting.
- In flooded field
- Flood 1/3 of height of seedlings
- Spacing 10 x 10 cm or 10 x 20 cm or 20 x 10cm
- Seedlings 15 – 20cm in height/ after 1 – 1 ½ months
- Fertilizers
- Phosphates at planting at 55kg/ ha P2O5
- Nitrogen at planting at 15 kg/ha N
- Top dress 3 weeks after applying N at rate of 15kg/ ha N.
- Weeds
- Uproot woods
- Use chemical herbicides (2,4 – N)
- Start with clean field
Pests | Control |
– Birds | – Scaring |
– Rice hispid, stem | – Spray with BHC, DDT dimention |
– Field rats | – Field rat poison |
Diseases | Control |
– Rice blast | – Use loss nitrogen |
– | – Use resistant varieties |
– yellow mottling | – Quarantine. |
- Water regulation.
- Maintain water depth at 1/3 height of plant throughout growing period
- Ensure fresh water supply
- Drain off water 3 weeks before harvesting.
- Harvesting
- Rice reaches maturity at 4-5 months/ harvest when dry
- Out stem at base/ any correct method
- Dry to 12-14% moisture content
- Bag for dispatch.
- a) What do the following terms mean?
- i) Pasture
- A cover of grass or legume or grass and legume used for feeding livestock.
- Forage Crop
- A plant which either grows naturally or is cultivated by farmers and used for feeding livestock.
- A forage plant that is grown, harvested and given to livestock when ready.
- Outline the methods that can be used to improve permanent potatoes.
- Irrigation
- Control weeds
- Top dress with N-fertilizers to avoid denudation
- Reseeding
- Out back dry and unpalatable atoms with tractor mower to encourage fresh regrowth after grazing cycle
- Controlled grazing.
- What factors determine the forage crop species to be established at a place?
- Yield of forage species in terms of herbage is quantity per unit of land
- Resistance to pests and diseases
- Adaptability to the area where it is established
- Ease with which it can be established and eradicated
- Whether pure or mixed stand
- Growth rate and fast establishment
- i) In which form can pasture be considered?
- Why is it important to conserve pasture?
- To distribute available forage for livestock throughout the year
- To provide feed for dry season
- To ensure better and full utilization of the available land
- Conserved forage can be sold for money.
- a) List the routes though which pathogens can enter the body of an animal.
- Skin, eye, nose, mouth, anus, ear, genital organs, mammary glands, navel cord.
- i) What is immunity?
- The ability of an animal to resist infection by disease
- Name the types of immunity.
- Natural immunity
- Artificial immunity
- What is a vector?
- A carrier of disease from one organism to another. It does not cause disease itself.
- Explain the term incubation in livestock diseases
- Period between infection by pathogen and showing of symptoms of the disease.
- Discuss the following diseases under appropriate sub-headings.
- Red water
- i) Causal agent
- Protozoa / bibesia bigomina
- Symptoms
- Red urine
- Fever/ high temperature
- Loss of appetite
- Anaemia
- Loss of production
- Jaundice
- Swollen lymph glands
- Licking soil
- Increased breathing
- Control measures
- Tick control e.g spraying, dipping, fencing, etc
- Symptoms
- Sudden death
- Bleeding form external crifices
- Bleated carcass
- High temperature/ shivering
- Dullness
- Bloody diarrhoea / milk ha blood stains
- Non-clotting blood
- Lack of rigor nortis
- Loss of appetite
- Control measures
- Vaccination
- Quarantine/ isolation
- Treatment of the herd/ tread early with antibiotics
- Proper disposal/ burying/ burning
- Public education
- Symptoms
- Watery diarrhoea
- Staggering with dreeping wings and bent neck
- Soft-shelled eggs
- Sneezing
- Sudden death
- Nervousness/ restlessness
- Loss of production
- Thick mucus discharge from nostrils/ difficulty in breathing.
- Control measures.
- Vaccination
- Disinfection/ proper hygiene
- Quarantine
- Proper disposal / killing the flock
- Use birds that are certified to be clean
- Examination and treatment of suspected birds.
- East Cost Fever (ECF)
- i) Causal organism
- Protozoa/ theilleria parva
- Symptoms
- Loss of appetite
- Fever/ high temperature
- Loss of production
- Loss of condition
- Small hemorrhages in vulva
- Oral mucus discharge
- Swelling of lymph glands/ nodes
- Coughing
- Dullness
- Lachrimation/ running eyes/ tears
- Diarrhoae
- Partial blindness
- Control
- Use appropriate drugs e.g clexen
- Control ticks
- Symptoms
- Dullness
- Loss of appetite / difficulty in eating
- Profuse and continous salivation
- Lameness / wounds on heaves
- Loss of milk
- Wounds/ blisters on tongue, gums and udder
- Snacking of mouth
- Loss of condition
- Control
- Slaughter affected animals
- Quarantine/ isolation
- Regular vaccination
- Foot rot disease
- i) Cause
- A bacterium or virus/ fusifermis SPP
- Symptoms
- Lameness/ inability to walk
- Selling of affected feet
- Wound and ulcers/ pus/ foul smelling in affected feet
- Anorexia/ loss of appetite
- Loss of weight/ emaciation
- Control
- Trim heaves regularly
- Keep grazing land free from sharp objects
- Avoid grazing sheep in swampy areas
- Apply feet bath using a disinfectant e.g copper sulphate solution
- Isolate sick ones from healthy ones
- Treat affected sheep to avoid spread
- Brucellesis (contagious abortion)
- i) Cause
- Bacterial (Brucella abortus)
- Symptoms
- Premature birth of young
- Abortion at 5-7 months
- Retained placenta
- Placenta when left will show aedema, necrosis and appears bloody
- Barrenness
- Yellow and brown sticky odourless discharge from vulva
- Control
- Use of artificial insemination
- Vaccination
- Test culling and slaughter infected females
- Clean animal dwelling houses
- Boil milk
- Aborted foetuses should not be touched using bare hands
- a) i) Name the sources of farm power
- Human power
- Wind power
- Animal power
- Oil/ fuel power/ gas/ paraffin
- Electricity
- Solar energy
- Wood/ charcoal
- Biogas power
- Nuclear energy
- Mention the ways in which solar energy is used on the farm.
- Production of electric energy by use of photo-electric cell panel
- Electricity used for lighting, pumping water, healing etc
- Direct drying of crops
- Water heating
- Cooking
- Give the disadvantages of using wood fuel or charcoal as a source of power.
- Inefficient use of energy
- Leads to destruction of environment through indiscriminate felling of trees
- Snake produced pollutes environment
- Exhaustible source of power
- i) What are the requirements for animals used as a source of farm power?
- Good health/ healthy
- Fully grown/ maturing
- Well fed.
- Give the benefits of using animal power on the farm.
- Cheaper t buy than machines
- Loss time used than using human power
- Wider range of relief than tractor e.g hills
- Loss maintenance cost e.g no fuel needed
- Does more work than human power
- Not much skill and training needed to operate them
- Animals can provide manure
- State the limitations of using animal power
- Low work output than tractor power
- Extra piece of land required to grow forage for them
- Animals cannot be used in use tsetsefly infested areas
- Animals tire quickly
- Tiresome since it also requires two handlers
- Requires time to train animals and handlers
- Theft and production problems
- Slower rate of work therefore not suitable in large scale farming
- Cause damage to crops when used in weeding.
- i) State the advantages of farm mechanization.
- The rate at which a job can be completed is increased/ improves efficiency
- Number of man-days involved is reduces/ labour saving
- Products harvested mechanically are more uniform
- Uniformly harvested products are more acceptable to consumers
- Timeliness of operations
- Contributes to increased farm production
- Contributes to increased farm productivity
- Uniformity of operations e.g ploughing, planting
- Less labour / easy
- What are its disadvantages?
- Capital outlay on machinery is high
- May lead to problem of soil capping
- Mechanization is more worthwhile in large scale farming enterprises
- Maintenance is expensive
- May create an unemployment problem
- Requires skilled manpower
- Requires uniform produce
- Tractors and ox-ploughs can not be used on steep land
- Why is mechanisation on small scale farming not worthwhile?
- Low level of capital investment
- Use of machinery is uneconomical
- No efficiency in farm operations.
- i) Name the tractor drawn implements.
- Trailers, ploughs (disc and mouldboard), harrows and mowers
- Name the animal drawn implements.
- Ox – plough, ox-time cultivator, ex-cart
- State the functions of the following parts of a mouldboard plough.
- i) Landside
- Stabilises the plough/ absorbs side thrust caused by furrow slice
- Mouldboard
- Inverts furrow slice/ buries woods/ trash
- Coulter
- Vertically cuts the soil or trash
- Share point.
- Digs/ opens/ cuts or breaks the ground
- Frog
- Holds the frame onto the moldboard, landslide and share.
- State the functions of the following principal parts of a disc plough.
- i)
- Part of the plough on which all parts are joined
- Hitch most.
- Point at which the top link is connected to tractor
- Scrapper
- Inverting furrow slice/ cleans disc
- Cutting the ground/ ploughing/ inverting/ overturning
- Hub
- Contains roller bearings that allow the disc to roll while in operation.
- Springs
- Absorbs vertical shock of plough
- Furrow wheel
- Absorbs side thrust/ used for adjusting the depth of ploughing.
- Crossbar
- Attachment for left and right arm
- Hitch point
- Where plough is attached to tractor.
- i) State the sources of tractor hire services
- Government hire services
- Private contractors
- Individual farmers
- Some cooperatives
- Give the advantages of tractor hire services.
- A farmer does not incur cost of buying tractor
- No cost of maintenance by farmer
- No risks of owning a tractor
- The farmer is able to carry out the task faster
- What are its disadvantages?
- May not be available when required
- May be very expensive to hire
- Some operators can produce poor quality work.
- a) Discuss the management of dairy cattle to ensure high milk production.
- i) Selection
- Select good animals on the basis of high yield
- Select healthy animals
- Select animals with good body conformation
- Should be of high fertility level
- To have good temperament it docile cattle
- Poor animals should be coulled
- Selecting and culling should be a continous exercise
- Breeding management
- Use superior bulls or semen from superior bulls
- Breed heifers when fully mature i.e right age and size
- Breed cows 60-90 days after calving to maintain a calving internal of 1 year.
- Feeding management.
- Feed on a balanced diet, water, minerals, vitamins
- Give adequate fee
- Feed should be clean and free from contamination.
- Housing
- Provide proper housing i.e well drained, clean, well ventilated, well lit
- Avoid overcrowding it provide enough space.
- Disease and parasite control
- Keep animals healthy by routine vaccination
- Control external parasites by spraying using appropriate drugs e.g acaricides
- Control internal parasites by routines drenching using appropriate drugs
- Treat sick animals
- Isolate and put new animals under quarantine
- Avoid physical injuries to animals by avoiding sharp objects or holes and using plain wires, not barbed
- Improve sanitation i.e hygiene or cleanliness in the farm
- General management practices.
- Milk at regular intervals
- Use proper milking techniques
- Observe heat signs and signs of disease closely
- Handle animals properly
- Keep proper and good records and use them to evaluate the herd.
- Describe the management of a dairy cow from the time of conception until calving (gestation period)
- Small breeds like Jersey and Guernsey should be served at 15-18 months of age having attained 250-270 kgs
- Large breeds at 18-20 months of age or 280 –320kg live weight
- Milking is done for 7 months after conception
- Pregnancy diagnosis ie. Checking conception is carried out in the fourth month after insemination.
- Drying off of incalf cow at 2 months before calving i.e in 7 th month of gestation by skip milking or partial milking
- Mastities control antibiotics applied into feat canal i.e carry out dry cow therapy
- Drying up build body reserves hence increases milk production in the next location period
- The foetus also gets sufficient food hence born strong and healthy
- Food reserves are used to synthesize colostrum
- Initiate steaming up in order to give dam enough energy during calving
- Steaming up should include high quality pastures, concentrates and minerals
- Do not dip incalf cow in plunge dip to avoid abortion due to shock.
- Spraying the incalf cow
- Avoid drenching toward the end of gestation as this may be dangerous to foetus
- In preparation for parturition, the incalf should be taken to a parturition pen next to homestead and wait for parturition signs
- Parturition signs include disterned udder, enlarged vulva, clear mucus discharge from vulva, slackening of pelvic girdle muscles i.e relaxing of hip muscles, sometimes colostrum drips out of teats and dam frequently bellows
- Leave the cow to calve undisturbed
- Watch for malpresention, if present seek assistance of veterinarian
- Allow the dam to lick its calf clean of mucus or wipe mucus from nostril and mouth to allow it breath
- Artificial respiration may be performed when breathing is delayed
- The naval cord is out and tied and wound sterilized using iodine or methylated spirit to avoid infection.
- Separate the calf from the dam after it has been licked and take to a warm calf pen
- Check and ensure that the placenta comes out a few hours after birth but if not, consult a veterinarian.
- Explain the management practices of a dairy calf from birth until it is ready for the first service.
- Clean mucus from the calf as soon as it is born or ensure cow licks its calf dry
- Ensure the calf is breathing or administer artificial respiration if necessary
- Cut and disinfect umbilical cord
- Ensure the calf suckles the mother within the first 8 hours to get colostrum
- Feed the calf on colostrum for the first 4-7days
- Keep records on the performance of the calf
- Introduce feeding of whole milk or milk replacer from the 4 th day
- Feed the calf with warm milk upto weaning time
- Observe strict hygiene in the calf pen
- Protect the calf against adverse weather conditions e.g wind by providing housing
- Provide adequate clean water from the third week
- Introduce palatable dry foods e.g concentrates and good quality out grass from the third week
- Provide mineral supplements
- Keep calf in individual pens until it is 3-4 months
- Spray or dip the calf against external parasites
- Release the calf occasionally for exercise
- Wean the calf at 8 weeks or late weaning at 16 weeks
- Drench or deworm the calf against internal parasites
- Vaccinate calf against prevalent diseases
- Release the calf occasionally for exercise
- Wean the calf at 8 weeks or late weaning at 16 weeks
- Dehorn the calf using appropriate method
- Graze the calf on good quality pasture, preferably ahead of mature animals
- Separate heifer calves from bull calves at puberty to avoid inbreeding
- Remove extra teats if necessary
- Any change of feeding should be done gradually to avoid feeding disorders
- Serve at the right age i.e at 15-20 months of 250-280 kg live weight
- Treat against disease when sick
- Weigh the calf regularly
- Describe the procedure of training a calf to drink milk from a bucked after separating it from its mother.
- Put 3 –4 fingers in the calf’s mouth]
- Let the calf suck the fingers
- Place a bucket of milk at a convenient raised position
- Gently lower the fingers into the bucket of milk while the calf is still sucking the milk
- Repeat the procedure until the calf is able to drink from the bucket on its own.
- What is zero grazing?
- The practice of rearing animals under confinement in stalls whereby food and water are brought to the animals.
- State the advantages of zero grazing
- Easy to control livestock diseases
- High production per unit area of land
- Proper utilization of pasture i.e no trampling or fouling
- Animals do not waste a lot of energy in walking
- Good method of accumulation and collection of farm yard manure for plant and dung for biogas
- Possible to keep livestock where there is bad terrain eg. Swampy, stony or steep slopes.
- Possible to keep livestock where land is limited
- High level of stocking rate achieved.
- List the limitation of zero grazing
- Expensive as it requires high initial capital
- Labour intensive i.e a lot of labour required
- May not be possible where there is in adequate water
- Requires a lot of technical sills to manage well.
- Discuss the management of beef cattle from birth until it is ready to be sold as steer.
- As soon as the calf is born ensure that it is breathing e.g by tickling the nose with straw
- If not, help the calf to start breathing by applying artificial respiration method
- Remove any foreign bodies from the mouth and nostrils e.g mucus and phlegm
- Disinfect to avoid infection
- Ensure that the calf is licked dry by mother or wipe the calf clean
- Ensure that the suckles colostrum within the first 12 hours of birth by helping weak ones
- Leave the calf to stay with its dam to suckle milk at will
- Ensure that disowned calves are given to foster mothers or prepare artificial colostrum where a foster mother is not producing colostrum
- Wean the calf when 6-8 months old
- Separate weaners to graze on good quality pasture after weaning
- Spray calves up to weaning time after which they can be dipped to control external parasites
- Dehorn calves within first two weeks to 4 months
- Castrate bull calves not intended for breeding at weaning time i.e 6-8 months age
- Identify calves as early as possible after birth
- Separate castrated bulls from heifers at weaning time
- Give mineral supplements when necessary
- Deworm ewaners regularly to control internal parasites
- Give supplementary feed in dry seasons
- Provide adequate clean water
- Vaccinate calves and weaners against prevalent diseases
- Observe and treat sick animals
- Animals should be ready for market between 12-30 months depending on breed
- Keep appropriate records.
- a) Describe the preparations one would make before the arrival of day old chicks on the farm.
- A poultry house should be constructed
- The house should be well ventilated and should not allow draught inside
- A brooder should be ready 2-3 days before chicks arrive
- A coccidiostat should be bought ready for use in case acoccidiosis attacks chicks
- Put newspapers on the floor of the brooder to prevent chicks from eating litter e.g saw dust.
- Spread food on the newspapers and some on feeders
- Avail proteins (DCP) and vitamins A and B.
- The protein and vitamin A encourage faster growth rate/ provide chick starter mash
- Provide feeders and waterers
- The farmer should ensure that the poultry house has a door to keep of predators like wild cats, jackals and foxes
- The door also keeps of cold wind entering the house.
- Discuss the artificial rearing of layer chicks from day old upto the end of brooding.
- This is between hatching time upto 3 weeks old
- Ensure brooder corners are rounded
- Provide enough brooding space according to the number and age of the chicks
- Clean and disinfect the brooder and house
- Provide proper litter on the floor e.g wood shavings
- Maintain appropriate range of temperatures according to the age of the chicks
- Temperature during the first week should be 32 – 35 o C then reduce accordingly
- Provide fresh, adequate and quality feed e.g chick mash
- Provide brood with reliable and appropriate lighting
- Provide adequate and appropriate waterers according to age.
- Control diseases using appropriate methods e.g vaccination against Newcastle, fowl pox and marcocks diseases.
- Isolate and treat the sick chicks immediately
- Keep proper records
- Debeaking should be done 8 – 10 days towards the end of breeding
- i) What are growers?
- These are chicks that are between 9 – 22 weeks old
- Discuss briefly the rearing of growers upto the point of lay
- Provide adequate floor space i.e 18 – 20 cm sq per 100 birds
- Provide enough space at water and feed throughs and at roosts
- The house should be disinfected
- Provide enough clean litter on the floor
- Provide growers mash ( 16 – 17% protein)
- Provide insoluble grit for digestion
- Hang green vegetables e.g cabbage leaves to keep birds busy
- Provide plenty of clean water
- Vaccinate against fowl typhoid, newcastle diseases when necessary
- Keep a high level of hygiene
- Keep litter dry to avoid disease out break and change as necessary
- Control external parasites
- Describe the management of layers in deep litter system starting from the point of lay.
- The space in the house should be adequate for the number of layers kept
- This should range from 0.3 – 0.5 sq. m per layer or at least 0.2 – 0.3m 1 ½
- The litter should be kept dry i.e avoid dampness and dust by turning the litter adding unhydrated lime and providing movable perches
- Perches or roosters should be adequate and well spaced in the house
- Provide enough waterers which should be well distributed in the house
- Always provide clean and adequate water
- Keep the waterers and all the other equipment clean
- Replenish soft litter in the nests to prevent egg breakages
- Ensure the nest is dark enough to avoid cannibalism.
- Collect eggs frequently, atleast twice a day
- Provide atleast 20g of layers mash per bird per day
- Ensure the birds have enough calcium by providing oyster shell
- Supply some grits to help in digestion
- Ensure enough supply of grits or vitamins
- Cull poor layers and diseased birds
- Debeak birds to prevent cannibalism or egg eating if necessary
- Vaccinate birds regularly against predominant diseases or give prophylactic drugs
- Check birds for disease symptoms
- Check for occurrence of pests and apply appropriate pesticides.
- Avoid stress factors e.g noise, disturbance, etc
- Discourage broodiness among a the layers
- Maintain and repair the house and equipment as the need arises
- Provide enough feed throughs
- Provide grains in the litter to keep birds busy
- Isolate and treat sick birds
- Keep appropriate records
- Dispose off the dead birds by burying or burning and also dispose off broken eggs or shells
- Maintain correct concentration of disinfectant at foot bath.
- a) State the tests that should be carried out to determine the quality of fresh eggs.
- Candling
- Physical observation
- Floatation
- Shaking lightly.
- List the factors that should be considered when grading eggs for marketing.
- Size, weight or volume of egg
- Colour
- Shell quality e.g rough or broken
- Shape of egg
- i) What is candling?
- Examining an egg for abnormalities by looking at it against a strong source of light.
- Describe how to candle an egg
- Put a strong light under the egg and look at it contents
- Look at the external and internal contents
- If abnormalities are seen discord the egg
- State the reasons for candling an egg
- To check for fertility
- To confirm presence of chick during incubation
- Explain the occurrence of double yolked eggs
- A yolk delays in the infindibulum and is joined by the next yolk
- The two yolks travel together to the magnum
- They are then enclosed by one albumen and one shell
- a) What is milk?
- The white substance secreted in the mammary system of female mammals.
- Draw a well labelled diagram of a mammary glad.