A code violation notice is issued from the Street’s department when a person has violated one or more codes in the City of Philadelphia or violated one or more Streets Department rules and regulations. A code violation notice (CVN) is a penalty punishable by a fine up to $300.00.
Addresses have been generalized to the hundred-block level (ie. 1234 Market Street becomes 1200 block of Market Street). Please note that the CVN dataset does not include all CVNs. Some are issued as paper tickets. As of 2018, a reporting system upgrade is underway. Once complete, the City plans to update this information to include all CVNs.
Please note that this is a very large dataset. To see all CVNs, download all datasets for all years.
If you are comfortable with APIs, you can also use the API links to access this data. You can learn more about how to use the API at Carto’s SQL API site and in the Carto guide in the section on making calls to the API.